Before I get into the substance behind the title I’ve chosen for this blog post, I first want to acknowledge that there are organisations who do listen to people with dementia, and organisations exclusively made up of people with dementia…
Tag: inspirational people
Reflections on 2014
So, the end (well nearly the end) of another year. 2014 has truly flown by for me – a whirl of speaking engagements, writing assignments, teaching, advising, assessing and supporting. Picking out highlights is always tough. Sometimes the most special…
Living with dementia as a younger person
In amongst the figures announced recently by the Alzheimer’s Society on the scale and cost of dementia in the UK, the data on the numbers of younger people developing dementia was particularly notable. It is estimated that 42,325 people are now living…
Reflections on 2013
Reflecting on a whole year is never an easy task. So many different events, milestones, and most importantly people have contributed to the last 12 months, each leaving me with that most precious gift – a memory. My collection of…