Moving into a new home is always stressful. I spent most of 2014 trying to move house, and I can testify to why it is generally considered to be one of the most stressful life events, alongside bereavement, divorce, major…
Tag: illness
Hydrated and happy
Dehydration is one of the biggest challenges facing anyone caring for someone who is older or living with dementia. Many older people are known to be chronically short of fluid in their bodies, leading to urinary tract infections and many…
A pill for everything?
Modern medicine is a wonderful thing. It has given us cures to illnesses and diseases that previously killed people in their prime. We have surgical procedures and treatments that can alleviate suffering and give humans of all ages a new…
When illness strikes…
Dementia brings so many concerns for the wellbeing of those who are living with it, not least the risk posed by infections. Whenever my father was struck down by a bug, suddenly we would be plunged into a world of…