Dignity, alongside respect, person-centred care, choice, control and independence are all, in my view, part of the basics of care and support. We all want all of the above for ourselves, so why wouldn’t any person with care and support needs…
Tag: healthcare
Cure the care system? I wish
How ironic that in the week before Dementia Action Week, this year themed around social care reform, the latest Queen’s Speech yet again failed to provide detailed plans to address the issues that have plagued the care system for years.…
Demanding better for people with dementia
Ordinarily, September is dominated for me by World Alzheimer’s Month (or World Dementia Month as I prefer to call it), which in practice means 30 days of sharing all of the great content, ideas and initiatives that lots of fantastic…
Who is really challenging?
As regular readers of D4Dementia will know, I’ve long been a supporter (including through the National Dementia Action Alliance Campaign ‘Dementia Words Matter’) of using respectful language – as defined by people living with dementia – when communicating about dementia. I…
Supporting LGBT people with dementia
Almost a year ago (September 2017) saw the launch of the Dementia Action Alliance’s (DAA) ‘From Seldom Heard to Seen and Heard’ Campaign. The campaign focuses on people living with dementia and their families from six communities who are often marginalised…