I’ve really enjoyed seeing all of this year’s World Alzheimer’s Month content around risk factors and risk reduction, which has also included the Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) World Alzheimer Report 2023. I’ve been fortunate to have had opportunities to contribute…
Tag: families
The magic of validation
When I wrote about the VERA Framework last month and touched on validation, I realised that I’ve never dedicated a blog post to exploring what validation is and why it’s such an important tool in the box of support for…
Prioritising information for dementia carers
Earlier this month saw the annual Carers Week, which included a campaign to pledge support by saying ‘I care’. As a nation we should all care – chances in are most people’s lifetimes they will either be a carer or know…
Learning from personal diagnosis stories
Over the 20+ years since my dad was diagnosed with dementia, I’ve often thought about what his diagnosis experience was like from his perspective. We never talked about it, and of course now we’ll never be able to. Our understanding…
Be in The Kindness Club
You can’t buy it (not genuinely anyway) and you can’t teach it. It’s also the one quality I hold in higher regard than any other. What am I talking about? Kindness. For me, kindness is non-negotiable, and it’s always been…