September is World Alzheimer’s Month (#WAM2014), an international campaign to raise awareness and challenge stigma that is led by Alzheimer’s Disease International. For 2014, the focus is on ways to reduce the risk of developing dementia with brain friendly lifestyles. Reduction…
Tag: exercise
On the move
For everyone who is fortunate enough to be able to move around independently, I would estimate that most take that for granted. Likewise, I would suggest that one of the key ideas people have about ageing is that immobility is…
Going places
For most of us, travelling is part of our everyday routine. From going to work, looking after our families, shopping or enjoying activities, getting from A to B is just another challenge along the way. Travelling, whether it be close…
Five-a-day to keep dementia away?
One of the things I am most frequently asked is how do you prevent getting dementia? People who have seen how this disease eventually ravages a person would do anything to avoid getting it, and those who have no first-hand…