Dignity, alongside respect, person-centred care, choice, control and independence are all, in my view, part of the basics of care and support. We all want all of the above for ourselves, so why wouldn’t any person with care and support needs…
Tag: dignity
Five things I’m glad we bought my dad
A question I’m often asked is what would I recommend buying a person with dementia? This has become even more pertinent with so many family members unable to see relatives with dementia during the pandemic, and looking for ideas of…
Inspiring end-of-life care
When I had my abstract, ‘End-of-life care: A very personal story’ accepted for oral presentation at the 2014 Alzheimer Europe Conference in Glasgow, I honestly never expected that it would receive a standing ovation from the audience. My presentation was…
15-minutes of shame
As a light was shone, yet again, on the huge inadequacies within our home care services as the issue of 15-minute visits hit the headlines, I decided to time my morning routine. Just how much could I as an able-bodied…
Caught on camera
CQC’s launch of their document ‘A fresh start for the regulation and inspection of adult social care’ has created a barrage of debate. Amongst the raft of changes and proposals to overhaul the inspection and regulation of care services for…