Over the 20+ years since my dad was diagnosed with dementia, I’ve often thought about what his diagnosis experience was like from his perspective. We never talked about it, and of course now we’ll never be able to. Our understanding…
Tag: diagnosis
Hearing loss and dementia – Don’t ignore the link!
I talk about it in many of my training sessions, I’ve highlighted it in meetings and on social media, and recently it featured on BBC Radio 5 Live as a lady from the RNID told the breakfast presenter about how…
10 years of D4Dementia… and 10 years for my dad’s dementia diagnosis
Today marks the 10-year anniversary of my D4Dementia blog. I’m not quite sure where those 10 years have gone, but this is my 270th post with the topics covered ranging from pre-diagnosis to end-of-life care and (almost) everything in-between. I’m…
Demanding better for people with dementia
Ordinarily, September is dominated for me by World Alzheimer’s Month (or World Dementia Month as I prefer to call it), which in practice means 30 days of sharing all of the great content, ideas and initiatives that lots of fantastic…
Delivering a dementia diagnosis
There are many times in a person’s life with dementia that are described as pivotal. Often these are the difficult, crisis occasions that create the negative narrative that is so commonly associated with dementia. But after my recent personal experiences…