A couple of months ago the Care Quality Commission (CQC) released a report detailing an inspection of a care home in Harrogate where the language used by staff when communicating with residents came under the spotlight. Care home staff had…
Tag: CQC
Special Measures – My view
Last week’s announcement that adult social care providers who deliver sub-standard care face being put into Special Measures from April 2015 proved to be quite a momentous event for me. I was involved in the announcement (details here), and it…
“Will you help me, please?”
These are the heart-breaking words of 98-year old Yvonne Grant, calling for someone to help her to the toilet in secret filming captured by her family and aired by Panorama ‘Behind Closed Doors: Elderly Care Exposed’. In this hour-long programme,…
Caught on camera
CQC’s launch of their document ‘A fresh start for the regulation and inspection of adult social care’ has created a barrage of debate. Amongst the raft of changes and proposals to overhaul the inspection and regulation of care services for…
Why, oh why, oh why?
Incensed. Appalled. Outraged. Indeed there are a plethora of words to describe how I felt on hearing reports of a rise in suspected cases of elder abuse in England, but I’m not sure any of them accurately do my feelings…