I want to start this blog by sharing a graphic from a social media post from a wonderful friend and colleague, Nicola Payne: The graphic Nicky shared got me thinking about myself and my friends and family, but also about…
Tag: challenging behaviour
Who is really challenging?
As regular readers of D4Dementia will know, I’ve long been a supporter (including through the National Dementia Action Alliance Campaign ‘Dementia Words Matter’) of using respectful language – as defined by people living with dementia – when communicating about dementia. I…
Action for dementia care and support – Changes associated with dementia
Welcome to the last of my five blog posts for UK Dementia Action Week 2018 (DAW2018). This year Dementia Awareness Week is renamed Dementia Action Week to reflect the need for action for people affected by dementia rather than only focusing on awareness. In this…
When behaviour changes…
Last week I began a series of roundtable sessions with the staff of one of my social care consultancy clients looking at changed behaviour for people who are living with dementia. The topics for discussion are pretty diverse, everything from…
When losing, hiding or hoarding items becomes a problem
In May 2013 I wrote a blog post entitled ‘What is dementia?’ about the symptoms of dementia. I wanted to explore the different ways in which a person’s dementia might manifest itself to reinforce the message that dementia isn’t all…