Last week statistics were released showing that during the last year 22,000 people took part in dementia research – a 60% rise – and that 10,000 people have signed up to Join Dementia Research.

Research isn’t a topic that I’ve written about extensively, which perhaps isn’t surprising given that I’m not a scientist or an academic. That doesn’t mean I have no interest in it, however. Aside from the very obvious personal feeling I have that I don’t want others to go through what my dad went through (particularly in the latter years of his dementia), I am an ambassador for dementia research charity BRACE, whose work I am constantly in awe of, and I write and speak extensively about the fact that, in reality, we actually know alarmingly little about dementia.
This lack of knowledge has many causes, which include the historic lack of focus on dementia, the even greater lack of money put into dementia research in the past, and the sheer complexity that the many forms of dementia present to even the most scientific or academic brain. Studies have started and never produced results, and in terms of pharmaceuticals, drug trials have been abandoned due to unforeseen circumstances – for example drugs not producing the effects expected or unacceptable side-effects.
I have never been a person greatly influenced by the work of pharmaceuticals, although I do acknowledge that many people are supportive of the current (limited) drugs that are available and of course any new breakthroughs – like for example Eli Lilly’s Solanezumab drug announcement at the recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference – are of course to be welcomed if indeed there is widespread benefit to be had for people with Alzheimer’s Disease in the future.
This is, however, such a tiny part of the overall picture. With so many different forms of dementia, and different nuances in how each person with a particular form of dementia experiences their symptoms, there is so much more that needs to be determined before we can honestly say that our understanding, and treatment for, the many different types of dementia has progressed to the point that we have reached for the many different types of cancer.
With that in mind, any increase in the numbers of research participants is extremely important, and I suspect is largely down to the profile dementia now has that it simply never had in the past. So what are the benefits of being involved in dementia research?
For people with dementia:
Many people I know who are living with dementia have actively sought to be involved in research. These individuals often describe involvement in research as an opportunity to feel useful, to be proactive after diagnosis and with the potential to make a difference to the lives of others now and in the future.
For families of people living with dementia:
Because a diagnosis of dementia impacts far and wide beyond the person with the diagnosis, many family members feel they want to do something that helps them to contribute to the wider understanding of dementia. Some people also view research as an opportunity broaden their own knowledge.
For society as a whole:
As dementia seeps into the public consciousness like never before, more individuals are learning about dementia and recognising that, as the numbers of people being diagnosed increases they, or someone they love, may also develop dementia in the future. To be able to help improve understanding and treatment is a powerful motivating factor.
So much of research really is about the future, and future-proofing health is often in the forefront of the minds of both researchers and participants, but I would sound a note of caution. While we think about improving health for the future, and ideally finding the treatments and potentially even cures for the different forms of dementia, we must never forget the people who are living with dementia NOW.
Their needs are as important as our own need to avoid developing dementia in the future, and research into living well, lifestyle strategies, non-pharmacological therapies and care and support that focuses on improving quality of life is what is likely to benefit these individuals the most. I recall when my dad was alive, and particularly in the latter years of his dementia, the headlines about research ‘breakthroughs’ pretty much went over my head. They were utterly irrelevant for dad, who was my primary concern at that time, and although I don’t in any way dismiss genuine breakthroughs now, I have an equally strong sense that helping people in the future doesn’t mean we neglect those living with dementia in the present.
Research for people living with dementia now, people living with dementia in the future, prevention of dementia and the many different aspects of treatment and care needs to be as broad as the participants signing up to participate in dementia research. That, for me, is the blueprint for a dementia research strategy that is befitting of the task ahead of us, and one that also does justice to the many people, like my dad, who have lived and died with dementia.
Until next time…
You can follow me on Twitter: @bethyb1886
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Good Post. Thank you…